Dreamworks Animation
When it comes to making children’s films, director Chris Sanders doesn’t believe in relying on cheap gags or inappropriate humor; he’d rather weave deeply human themes into a visually captivating story to draw audiences. “I’m not good at gags,” the 62-year-old filmmaker told The Christian Post. “Whenever somebody invites me to a gag session to…

Pure Flix Entertainment
Pure Flix Entertainment The upcoming film “God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust” is set to inspire Christians to make their voices heard at the ballot box. As part of the “God’s Not Dead” film franchise, this latest installment encourages believers to stand up for their faith and recognize the importance of voting in a…

Konstantin Yolshin / Shutterstock.com | Inset: Disney Imagineering
Disneyland is set to make thoughtful changes to its iconic Peter Pan’s Flight ride, removing depictions of Indigenous people that have been deemed stereotypical. This decision mirrors recent updates made to the ride at Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida, and continues the entertainment giant’s efforts to address and amend outdated and insensitive content. The…

Kendrick Brothers Productions
The Kendrick brothers’ new film, “The Forge” is set to hit theaters August 23rd, and it’s a film the brothers hope will stir a movement within churches. The film focuses on the story of Isaiah, a listless man trying to figure out his future. He meets a new Christian mentor, who begins to pour into…

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