Here at Beliefnet, everyone loves angels. We even have an entire section of the site devoted to them. I think angels are great and all, but as with anything, sometimes you just want to get away from the stuff that you work with all day long. I’m sure at the end of the day bakers…

Christian rock insiders have found a lot to criticize about the second volume of Third Day’s retrospective, “Chronology”—it omits some of the southern rockers’ hits in favor of covers and to some, comes off more adult contemporary that Christian Skynard. But in many ways Volume Two perfectly sums up this group that takes its rock,…

If you’re a person of faith looking for a great sound that you can share with your friends and kids–or if you’re a Christian who struggles to be bold and stand up for your faith–then BarlowGirl’s “How Can We Be Silent” is for you! Buy it. Download it. Pass it on. BarlowGirl has a look…

In yesterday’s Slate, Erik Davis (whose own site TechGnosis sits at the corner of sci-fi fantasy and visionary spirituality) has a review of “Frisbee,” the soundtrack to last year’s Emmy-winning documentary on founding Jesus Freak Larry Frisbee. Davis is enthusiastic about the deeply hippified origins of Christian rock, which indeed grew out of Pastor Chuck…

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