Every summer has its song–the one you blast through your car’s open windows and sing along to as the sun beats down on your face, your sweaty legs sticking to leather upholstery, and your hair blowing in the breeze. I remember back when Sisqo’s unfortunate “Thong Song” was the summer song of 2000 and how…

“Live Earth: Ratings Blockbuster” it was not, but “Live Earth: Concerts for a Climate in Crisis” still drew a record web-audience and drew decent enough television ratings to raise some bucks and hopefully generate increased awareness for the cause. With over 100 pop/rock/soul acts performing at nine venues around the world, there was much to…

Singer Mary Donnelly Haskell has performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., the pre-inaugural gala for President George W. Bush, and aboard the presidential yacht, Sequoia. The president certainly likes her music. And if you’re a fan of hymns done the old way, you’ll like Haskell too, especially her latest CD, “Power of the…

The “Jesus Freaks” have grown up, as has their audience, a dynamic captured nicely in the new release entitled “dcTalk: Greatest Hits.” Since Christian songs often linger in terms of airplay, it actually takes a compilation CD such as this to remind us of how many hits dcTalk has had and how far their music…

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