Yesterday was a bad day. A no-good, low-down, rotten, miserable scum of a day. I won’t offer details because they are a combination of melodrama and mundane, and you’ve all been there. I wanted to bang my head against a tree. I wanted to fix a strong drink–maybe seven of ’em. And then a small…

Perhaps no singer brings more spiritual baggage to a CD entitled “Theology” than controversial Irish songstress Sinead O’Connor. The singer, who tore up a picture of the Pope on “Saturday Night Live” years ago and claimed once to be ordained as a priest, has always mentioned religion and God in some way or another in…

While many artists are out there stumping for their own music, it is such a delight to find albums that promote something more important than the artists themselves–a good cause. “Instant Karma”, a new two-CD set, is doing just that for the Campaign to Save Darfur. Amnesty International has teamed up with Warner Bros. to…

While many artists are out there stumping for their own music, it is such a delight to find albums that promote something more important than the artists themselves–a good cause. “Instant Karma”, a new two-CD set, is doing just that for the Campaign to Save Darfur. Amnesty International has teamed up with Warner Bros. to…

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