Are there any Stryper fans out there? Or ex-Stryper fans? I’ll bet there are very few new Stryper fans, but I think I’m one of ’em, and you will be too if you pick up their new release, “Stryper—The Roxx Regime Demos.” Stryper, if you’ve never heard of them, was one of the most pioneering…

Those who follow Chris Rice will notice he’s growing up in a lot of ways, at least if his newest album, “What a Heart is Beating For” is any indication. It’s mellow, jazzy, reflective, and indicative of, well, the kind of mid-life stuff that mid-lifers face. He is faith-based and family-friendly–but the music is not…

You can’t walk into Starbucks without being aware that Paul McCartney’s “Memory Almost Full” has been out for awhile, and we figured it was time for Idol Chatter to weigh in on it. The reviews have been mixed. From Entertainment Weekly’s “his zestiest music in eons” to the New York Times’ “more homespun sound than…

The lead feature going out to America Online’s millions of subscribers this weekend named the Top Twenty Protest Songs of All-Time, from’s “The Hit List.” I thought it was a decent start, but the list lacked some that are my favorites just for the music, and others that are my favorites for the message…

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