The spirit of Bob Dylan, Johnny Carson and political cartoonists everywhere is alive and well in the newest (and best) political satire entertainment on the web. The folks at Jib Jab have again risen to the challenge of creating political satire that is as entertaining as it is offensive, making fun of both sides while…

The art of Andres Serrano has been derided in the crudest ways. Now it seems those comments, at least the most potty-mouthed, are all true. The artist, who has long experimented with bodily fluids in his photographs, will display his images of animal feces, including a human being’s (his), at a gallery in New York…

Esquire Magazine’s August 2008 cover is of none other than the king of comedy (at least according to me), Stephen Colbert, posing as a jolly St. Sebastian! St. Sebastian is the Patron Saint of, among many other things, athletes, and he is always portrayed with a number of arrows stuck painfully into his body (complete…

Don’t you hate when your parents try to be cool and get on MySpace? Mel Gibson’s father, Hutton Gibson, famous for his crackpot Catholicism and his doubts about the historicity of the Holocaust, has reportedly erected his own page on the social networking site (or “A Space for Friends”). Mel, who has problems of his…

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