Admit it: after you saw “Star Wars,” you tried to use the Force. I’m happy to admit it–I tried to move things across my room, using only my mind. “Heroes” makes me feel special abilities are more possible, but “Star Wars” initially put the idea in my head.  Oh, those Jedi mind tricks. If moving objects…

Wow, talk about reality TV! Earlier this week, President Obama was on every network. He was Must See TV 2.0, the Rock Star of the campaign trail, the Teleprompter-in-Chief, “No Drama Obama” who is no longer running for office. He is now The Man charged with solving our nation’s problems, which were named Tuesday evening…

A new force seems to be taking over the airwaves: Twitter! I viewed three morning shows earlier this week and they all invited the audience to join their “Twitter” page throughout the show. Celebrities at the Oscars weren’t supposed to, but some were sneaking in the chance to Twitter. And Tuesday night, the nation saw…

Hard times have come upon many companies, websites and publications. Some of them are asking their readers to become supporters, but this requires a major shift: people who were once being provided a service are now being asked to donate in order to fund that service. How can one pitch letter distinguish itself from the…

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