Germany has made no secret of their complete and utter distaste for Scientology in recent years. Last year, government officials dared to ban Tom Cruise from filming on location because of his Scientology affiliation. But that was really only one minor incident in the government’s surveillance and investigation of the organization in an attempt to…

Actors in Goth costume pantomiming stories of cannibalism, rape, empassioned beheadings, wild scenes fueled by throbbing rock… Not another Biblical musical?At Northwestern College, a Christian institution in Orange City, Iowa (and not to be confused with the Chicago-area university), drama students have remounted “Terror Texts,” a musical performance of what Northwestern theater prof Jeff Barker…

Imagine the expectations when one of the most popular–and one of the most inspiring–television shows returns to the air for the first time in more than a year and a half. I mean, that’s a lot of time for creativity and editing. Expectations were high. Interest peaked. Heck, even Idol Chatter’s Kris Rasmussen returned to…

Hollywood is a conspiracy, all right. Movies tell the same stories over and over again, Hollywood thinking that we won’t notice if the movies show ogres or animals fall in love and live happily ever after, or that the planet has already been saved twice this year. According to the Anti-Defamation League’s national director, Abraham…

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