‘The truth will see you free,” goes the famous saying, but apparently the ‘truth’ itself isn’t free, requiring a commercial break every 90 seconds. At least that’s what I felt like watching last night’s premiere of the highly anticipated new FOX game “Moment of Truth.” The premise of the show–to see if people would tell…

With only one original episode left, it might be a little late for me to say that “Friday Night Lights” has finally returned to at least a semblence of its former greatness. Now that Landry/Tyra murder storyline is finally over, the show has slowly attempted to return what made it great to begin with: stories…

I can’t say that I watch the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency with any regular frequency, but when flipping by Oxygen, I will sometimes stop and watch the “world’s first supermodel” frantically trying to run her nascent business. In this weekend’s repeat of “Of Models and Morals,” new model Dominique, a Catholic gal who was totally…

Assisted living sounds like a rational, caring way to tend to our old folks while giving them their independence. I won’t hear the phrase the same way after watching “Andrew Jenks, Room 335,” a new documentary that debuted on HBO Tuesday night (click here for the remaining airings). Jenks, a 19-year-old from suburban Westchester County,…

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