The last episode of “Gossip Girl” was both strangely sweet and disturbingly harsh. One storyline had Brooklyn “Lonely Boy” Dan confessing first love for the unprepared, used-to-being-unloved Upper East Side Beauty, Serena–and spending an entire episode convincing Serena why his love is true. Can everybody say: Awwwwww! (It was pretty sweet, I have to admit.)…

New York Times movie reviewer A. O. Scott makes a strange sort of case for this top six family-friendly films of the season. While he thinks “Enchanted” is pitch-perfect for his third grade daughter–it’s as if Disney tailor-made it for her–this pitch-perfect quality is exactly his reason for not recommending it as the only real…

The New Yorker magazine this week takes a peek inside the Church of Scientology’s Celebrity Centre, the hulking but elegance Hollywood palace that serves as the church’s clubhouse for the likes of Tom Cruise, John Travolta and other Sci-celebs. Built by a silent-movie director’s widow as a swanky hostel for movie stars, the former Chateau…

When I wrote about my top 10 favorite Jewish television characters, the response was sharp and the debate robust. So, in these days of TV-strike doldrums, I figured it was time to come up with a list of the top 10 Christian TV characters, though this time I am restricting the list to those who…

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