It’s part heritage, part occupational hazard–but I have seen more than my fair share of documentaries about Jews. Many of them center on the Holocaust, or the post-Holocaust triumph and redemption earned through the creation of the state of Israel. Others focus on “Jews and showbiz” or “Jews in comedy.” I live in New York,…

Young, bright-eyed, handsome and charismatic to the core; an optimist and a visionary with a profound ability to evoke a deeply rooted, and perhaps dormant, sense of populism in the hearts and minds of Americans. Yes, it has hardly gone unnoticed that presidential hopeful Barack Obama shares more than just a few characteristics, particularly when…

Last night, I was doing a victory dance in my PJs as I watched David Letterman’s return to late night TV. I have not only become a rabid fan of the Letterman writers’ strike blog, where the writing staff of the show have been taking on the issues of the WGA strike with satirical brilliance,…

Planting one on the forehead of mama’s darling used to be the surest route to public office. These days, it may be playing with a talk-show’s house band. Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee appeared on Leno last night, and though his explanation of his flat consumption tax might have put half the late-night audience to sleep,…

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