“Gossip Girl” is back! I can’t say I’m sorry that the first of my TV series addictions to return in the new year is this particular guilty, guilty, guilty new pleasure of mine. And after all the syrupy, happy endings during the Thanskgiving and Christmas episodes, the darker mood of last night’s installment was a…

Now that it’s 2008, we can finally say that new episodes of “Lost” are imminent. And by “imminent,” we mean the end of the month. If you’re a fan, you were likely shocked (in a good way) by the season finale (which aired in May, about an eon ago) and by the revelation that, in…

Two years ago I posted a list here at Idol Chatter of some of my favorite Christmas episodes of some of my favorite TV shows of years past. I’ve decided to trot out a revised version of that list. Are there any favorite holiday episodes you try to catch in reruns that you would like…

In the venerable tradition of the Roman Catholic church, firebrand preachers have not been received well. Case in point is Justin Fatica, the Catholic youth minister whose Hard As Nails organization is the subject of a documentary playing this month on HBO. Fatica marches into Catholic high schools bearing full-sized wooden crosses with his “Hard…

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