Take a sneak peek at Monday night’s new episode of “Saving Grace” (for mature audiences only!): Click to Launch Video Explore more ‘Saving Grace’ features, including more video, reviews, discussion, and galleries by clicking here.

We posted this piece a couple of weeks ago, and your responses have been amazing! We’ve chosen our 10 best and put together a gallery that you can see here–including the top entry, which won a free iPod for Beliefnet reader Evelyn W Voehringer. The contest is now over, but we invite you to continue…

This is the second in a series of blog posts about “The Golden Compass” by guest blogger Tony Watkins, author of “Dark Materials: Shedding Light on Philip Pullman’s Trilogy ‘His Dark Materials.‘” I wonder how aware Philip Pullman is of the deep irony at the core of his trilogy, “His Dark Materials,” the first of…

Huffington Post’s Danny Shea took “The View’s” Sherri Shepherd to task yesterday for claiming that Christ predated the ancient Greeks during a discussion of philosopher Epicurus on the gab fest. “Naturally, talk soon migrated to the topic of religion, and Sherri ‘I don’t know if the world is flat’ Shepherd came out to play,” writes…

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