This weekend the New York Times launched their Style Magazine “T” online and it’s pretty fantastic. Their theme for the holiday issue, interestingly enough, is “Art and Soul.” The articles include a gorgeous slideshow of photographs by Thomas Struth of houses of worship–both the traditional and avant garde variety. The corresponding article, by Michael Kimmelman,…

Dateline: Kansas. DG lives with her family on a farm, wears a pinafore-style apron as her work uniform, wears her hair in ponytails and rides her (motor) bike. And there’s a storm coming. And that storm, in addition to being the cyclone we’re used to, is also a legion of “longcoats” — soldiers from “the…

Now’s the time of year where many of us reflect upon the people who have made an impact in our lives throughout the past 12 months. Whether it’s a high profile celebrity who has brought a cause you believe in to the public light, or an ordinary person—perhaps even a friend or family member—who has…

The most uninspiring show on television this weekend was the “BCS Selection Show” on Fox. No, I take it back. It was actually the most uninspiring show of the year. It wasn’t Fox’s fault. They just happened to be the network that had the rights to show the show. The problem lies with those who…

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