Remember those M*A*S*H* episodes where Hawkeye or Radar turned over his jeep or sits out a bombing raid in a hut with an old Korean couple, and the character spits out a monologue of self-revelation? I loved those stunts, and this week’s “Saving Grace” (airing tonight) has that high-concept feeling, with Grace getting trapped for…

In what is Hallmark Hall of Fame’s 231st presentation, “Pictures of Hollis Woods” is sure to inspire. The movie, which is based on the Newberry Honor award-winning book of the same name, tells the story of a young girl, Hollis Woods, who has been in foster care most of her life. After leaving a family…

While adults on TV seem to be romancing each other with nary a kiss, high schoolers on the other hand, are hopping into bed left and right on the CW’s new smash hit “Gossip Girl.” Oh, and doing burlesque night club strip teases. And having sex in limos. And having more in the back room…

Chastity seems all the rage this season on most of my TV series favorites—both old and new. So much so that I wonder—what has sparked such a trend? From where does this loving-from-afar inclination stem? Are viewing audiences simply tired of the “we like each other so let’s hop into bed” motif to which we’ve…

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