Curl up in your comfiest blanket and prop yourself with a stack of soft pillows. Close your eyes, put a smile on your face, and let yourself drift back to that time in childhood when storybooks carried you gently off to dreamland. Are you there yet? Open your eyes, but don’t move. Just watch “Pushing…

Yes, it’s true. Eventually, it was bound to happen: a reason to watch TV. And not just any TV, but specifically “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” featuring the social misfit Larry David himself. Sure, the benefits are specifically for schizophrenia patients whose doctors use the show in therapy to spark reactions, but nonetheless, let’s raise a glass…

Not having HBO, I am only now plowing through the “The Sopranos“–all of it–on DVD and am still far from the much-dissected ending. But not living under a rock, I am well aware of the diner, onion rings, Journey song, and fade to black. Now the series’ creator, David Chase, is speaking out about the…

After spending last year writing about all of the reasons why more people needed to watch NBC’s “Friday Night Lights”, I wanted to wait and give the show a chance to redeem itself from its terrible premiere episode that caused fan controversy before it even aired. However, after watching last Friday’s episode, I can no…

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