Ashley Perrin was involved in what’s safe to call the most-talked-about-ever episode of “Trading Spouses.” On the show, two families switch moms for a week and agree to go along with the new mom’s rules. For maximum drama, the families are almost always polar opposites. Ashley’s family, conservative Christians, traded their mother Marguerite (who referred…

I haven’t watched “Survivor” since the Boston Rob season (Marquesas, for those of you who keep track of such things) and that’s saying something for the girl who made a rat-shaped meatloaf for the season one finale. But nothing drew me back to the televised Tribal Council; not even last season’s race vs. race gimmick.…

Presidential daughter Jenna Bush will be interviewed by Diane Sawyer on ABC’s “20/20” this Friday night. It’s nice to see that Jenna isn’t following the pattern of famous-because-of-who-their-parents-are celebrities like Paris Hilton and Kimberly Stewart. Instead of being photographed at Hyde every night, Jenna has traveled around the world and learned about social issues. Her…

Is the CW–the child of the teen-focused UPN and WB networks–growing up? The net, now in its second year, is launching two new series with religious themes at their core. “Aliens in America” focuses on a Muslim exchange student in the Midwest, and “The Reaper” tells the story of a young man who becomes “the…

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