Brace yourself. You already know it’s coming. Within the first ten minutes of NBC’s “Bionic Woman” (premiering tonight at 9 p.m.)–a remake of the popular 1970s classic–you’ll watch as Jamie Sommers’s life gets crushed. Literally. And even though you already know what’s coming because you’re familiar with the show’s premise–young woman gets in an impossible-to-survive…

Sex is hitting an all-time high on television, according to Advertising Age magazine, but responsibility seems to be at an all-time low. Ad Age has no problem with sexuality (in fact, beware: their story is racily arted with a couple in bed), but takes the TV networks to task in their current issue for splashing…

Did anyone join in TV Land’s third annual dinner-hour blackout last night? I did …sort of. The TV Land cable network sponsored its third annual “Family Day–A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children” last night. During the dinner hour from 6 to 7 p.m., their goal was to encourage families to dine together, or…

This past weekend was the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. It was also the week that CBS’ trainwreckier-by-the-minute reality show “Big Brother” concluded. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Previously on Idol Chatter, I joined the many media voices criticizing BB houseguest Amber for narrowminded comments she had made about Jewish people,…

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