Fox is kicking off the new fall television season a little earlier than the other networks by premiering one of their new series, the cop drama “K-ville.” The show is gathering a lot of attention for its twist to the cop genre: the series is set–and filmed–entirely in post-Katrina New Orleans. The show’s producers readily…

While Fox scrambled to keep Ray Romano’s and Katherine Heigl’s bleepable words off the air at last night’s Primetime Emmy Awards Show, Ed Asner sneaked this stray comment in the tribute to “Roots”: “Turned out better than I thought,” mumbled Ed Asner, as the segment ended and the music began to swell. I couldn’t have…

I hope you’ve had a chance to see one of the host of 9-11 memorials, retrospectives, and history shows that have been featured this week on nearly every network and cable station, including the History Channel, National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channels, and all of the news stations. In case you’re looking to be inspired while…

After months of speculation, it seems that Barbara Walters is set to name actress Sherri Shepherd as a co-host of “The View.” The formal announcement is expected Monday. While we who slave away in offices all day to bring you the very latest in faith-in-entertainment news are not able to watch the morning gabfest regularly,…

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