Since I gave such glowing reviews to the first few episodes of ABC’s new summer series “Traveler”–about the two good-guy Yale graduate students, Jay and Tyler, who are framed by their “friend” Will Traveler for bombing a New York City art museum–I feel the need to at least comment briefly on the season finale, which…

Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson (Kyra Sedgwick)–with her southern twang, her infamous, sweet-sounding “thank you’s,” and her hard as nails interrogation tactics–is not only back in full force for season three of “The Closer,” but she has taken this series to a whole new level. If you haven’t yet seen “The Closer,” queu Netflix for…

I’ve always been fascinated with the dark side. In college I contemplated going Goth–inasmuch as a Hot Topic shirt could take me to the dark side. I once flipped through a copy of the Satanic Bible–not because I was up for conversion; I was merely curious. And to this day I watch scary movies because…

Okay, so I finally caught up on Season Two of HBO’s “Big Love“–a series that I became addicted to in my efforts to critique the show’s treatment of women (whoops)–and this week’s episode, “Vision Thing,” had an interesting twist. We’re all used to critiquing polygamy from our armchairs at home while watching Bill and company…

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