Sunday night marked the premiere of season four for “The 4400” on USA–a show about 4,400 indivuduals who disappeared during different points of the 20th century and then mysteriously reappeared–all together, all at once–one day on a beach with no memory and without having aged a day. And they have special abilities! (My favorite thing…

The only reason why I recently tuned in to ABC Family’s summer series “Kyle XY” is because of the heavy promos they’ve given the show recently (apparently they worked). While I am not seduced by the fact that Kyle “has no bellybutton”–which to me sounds like a silly thing to hang his mysteriousness on–after catching…

While studios like Fox are busy trying to ramp up their production of entertainment marketed to the Christian community, Christian media moguls like David Kirkpatrick aren’t interested in seeking Hollywood’s favor. Instead, Kirkpatrick, a former executive at Paramount, wants Hollywood to come to him. Last year Kirkpatrick, along with pollster George Barna and former E!…

Last night “Traveler“–in its third episode–maintained the breakneck pace of its two-hour premier. Between the nonstop action and music to set the we’re-not-going-to-let-you-even-breath mood, “Traveler” is proving itself as the new “24”. Jay Burchell and Tyler Fog are desperate, on the run from an entire nation watching out for these two young men wanted by…

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