Disney couldn’t do it, though “The Chronicles of Narnia” was a darned good try. New Line didn’t connect with audiences with “The Nativity Story.” But if anyone can recreate the box-office magic that Mel Gibson found in “The Passion of the Christ,” shouldn’t it be David Kirkpatrick, co-founder of Good News Holdings, a Christian media…

When the credits rolled for “Gracie” I couldn’t leave. I wanted to see every last second of this extraordinary film, which opened last week, about a fifteen-year-old girl, Gracie, who works through the loss of a favorite older brother by throwing her heart and soul into making the high school varsity soccer team–the male varsity…

Paris Hilton is a free woman. I repeat, Paris Hilton is a free woman–well, sort of. The celebutante was released from the Century City Correctional Facility early this morning, report celebrity gossip purveyors TMZ.com and Perezhilton.com. The L.A. County Sheriff’s Department is set to have a press conference later this afternoon. CBS and the Associated…

Entertainment Weekly has posted video of the top three “American Idol” finalists visiting the magazine’s offices, and once again, I am reminded that Melinda Doolittle was just about the classiest, most talented contestant the show has seen. In the five-minute segment EW.com posted, Mindy Doo displays the same humility and intelligence she showed every week…

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