It seems that Moby is stepping into the religious weather man role now that Jerry Falwell has passed on. Last week, the musician asked in his online journal, “You know how the religious right will every now and then say that some natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.) happen because God is angry at secular sinners?…

Though he started out writing some of the most sparkling comedy on television back in the ’90s (“Freaks and Geeks,” “The Ben Stiller Show”) director/writer Judd Apatow has been given the dubious distinction of producing a new genre of film–romantic comedies for men. Following up the box office success of “The Forty Year Old Virgin”–a…

Many reality television shows have some kind of secret twist at the end for the contestant, a scintilating surprise that only the audience is in on. Recall Bravo’s 2003 “Boy Meets Boy,” a gay dating show where not all the suitors were gay, unbeknownst to the suitor. But rarely has the audience itself been “punked,”…

I remember being equal parts curious and disturbed several years ago when my mother told me that she really enjoyed “The 40-year old Virgin.” Disturbed, since one naively doesn’t like to imagine one’s mother enjoying such sexually explicit humor (much in the same way we don’t like to think of our parents actually having sex)…

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