In announcement that will surely crush every sci-fi fanboy and fangirl out there, not to mention this reporter, Ronald D. Moore and David Eick, executive producers of “Battlestar Galactica,” have decided that season four will be the last for the Peabody Award-winning series. “This show was always meant to have a beginning, a middle and…

I’m sick and tired of committing to shows, watching faithfully every week, and then seeing them cancelled without any resolution of the story lines. Last year it was the abrupt cancellation of “Invasion” after what I thought was a pretty gripping first year. This year I could accept the “Gilmore Girls” ending after seven seasons–that…

I’ve already got a new television addiction for the summer months (thank God!). It may not be deep and layered like “The Sopranos” (I’ve maintained the ban on my former favorite HBO series since last season’s horribly disturbing Vito storyline), but it’s as relentlessly nonstop as “24.” In fact, it might be the new “24.”…

Reality shows have often toed the line between taste and tact–think “Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire.” But there have been times when audiences find a concept even too distasteful for their voracious appetites–remember CBS’s cancelled-after-one-airing “The Will,” wherein the contestants vied for the inheritance of a ranch in Kansas? Or how about the British…

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