“All these survivors are capable of great sacrifice … in the spirit of the community.”– Executive Producer, Carlton CuseSince the castaways of Oceanic Flight 815 landed on a mysterious island three seasons ago in “Lost“, we have seen ordinary people become extraordinary heroes by making willing sacrifices with one purpose in mind: Getting everyone else…

I spent most of last night’s “Heroes” season finale half-cowering under the covers, worrying that one of my favorite new super-powered friends wouldn’t make it to see another season. It was a nail-biter in other words. Would Hiro Nakamura–television’s most adorable, idealistic character ever–survive his mission to take out the brutal serial hero-killer Sylar? Would…

Don’t tell me you missed it. America’s longest-running sitcom and animated series, “The Simpsons,” aired it’s 400th episode on Sunday–a hilarious showdown between decency guru Ned Flanders and doofus newsman Kent Brockman over an alleged indecent on-air comment. It was funny, it was sharp, it was stupid, it was classic “Simpsons.” What can I say…

There’s an old psychiatrists’ joke that goes: “If you’re a jerk, and you go talk to a psychiatrist about being a jerk, afterwards you’ll still be a jerk. But you’ll feel good about it.” The same might be said for Tony Soprano. With only two episodes to go, the leitmotif of mental health emerged as…

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