This past Sunday the CW aired the series finale of “7th Heaven,” one of the most successful family dramas in history. At some point, any show that runs a long time runs the risk of veering into soap opera territory. “7th Heaven” was no exception. What began as a drama about a minister, his wife,…

I love bad TV. And what’s worse than MTV’s “The Real World/Road Rules Challenge,” which combines three bad TV staples (“The Real World,” “Road Rules,” and people doing idiotic stunts for prizes) into one frothy package? The Challenge also has a gift for choosing all the most loathsome and annoying former contestants and cramming them…

Though I resigned myself to the series end of “Gilmore Girls” an entire year ago when creator/producer/writer Amy Sherman-Palladino left the show, I have to say that it was more difficult than I thought to say good-bye to Lorelai, Rory and the rest of the folks in Stars Hollow last night. This is despite the…

I have posted before about how I completely avoid “American Idol.” I could care less if booted contestant Chris Sligh was Christian enough or what the world should think about Sanjaya’s hair. But still, Idol mania in the media is almost impossible to avoid, and the latest chatter circulating the internet stems from the fact…

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