While ABC’s “Desperate Housewives” is known for its over-the-top storylines and tawdry sexual affairs, it is an emotional–not literal–affair that has been at the front and center of the show’s final episodes.Lynette and Tom, the somewhat “normal” couple of Wisteria Lane, have had a tough year–what with Tom’s daughter by an old flame coming to…

You know that feeling of disappointment you get when you tune into your favorite TV show expecting to get a new episode, and it turns out to be a cleverly concealed clip-show? Sure, it’s artfully put together, but you wanted fresh entertainment. Or in the case of “20/20’s” “Seeing and Believing: The Power of Faith,”…

Tonight’s “20/20” on ABC looks to be a fascinating two-hour special on all aspects of faith and spirituality. The show is known for producing such specials on a variety of subjects, and tonight’s episode covers nearly all “hot” aspects of faith that are permeating news magazines, documentaries, news shows, and other types of media. Some…

Wednesday’s “Lost” episode veered deeper into supernatural territory as Locke (and viewers) got their first glimpse of Jacob … or, more correctly, didn’t. After forcing Ben to take him to see Jacob, the supposed Man behind the man behind the curtain, Locke was taken through the forest, into the night, across a mysterious boundary of…

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