It was no Andrew Sullivan vs. Sam Harris, nor Christopher Hitchens vs. Douglas Wilson, but last night’s “Nightline” debate (the first in an unpromising new series called “Face Off”) between Christians Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron and atheists Brian Sapient and “Kelly” did manage to prove something definitively: When it comes to debate forums, television…

A new kind of heroic character trait has emerged on “24:” Brokenness.Brokenness happens far beyond issues of ethics, morals, or even heroism. It’s the occasion of a life event that almost none of us would ever ask for but that often shapes the rest of our lives. It’s rare to find it in an action…

I must confess, like many devoted “Sopranos” viewers, I did not return to the show this season. It wasn’t Season Six’s much-reviled metaphysical and spiritual meanderings that deterred me, but the fact that HBO was offering up tastier fare, such as “Rome,” while making us endure yet another lengthy, memory-challenging “Sopranos” hiatus. So, when I…

It’s official: After seven seasons the era of “The Gilmore Girls” is coming to an end. Yesterday Variety announced the news, confirming long-held suspicions among fans of the show: “After weeks of talks aimed at bringing the show back for a limited run next season, the CW and Warner Bros. TV have decided to wrap…

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