“Live Earth: Ratings Blockbuster” it was not, but “Live Earth: Concerts for a Climate in Crisis” still drew a record web-audience and drew decent enough television ratings to raise some bucks and hopefully generate increased awareness for the cause. With over 100 pop/rock/soul acts performing at nine venues around the world, there was much to…

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Flight? Heat vision? The ability to shoot spiderwebs out of your wrists? And then there are the myriad accessories, gadgets and cool rides that go along with being a superhero: cool boots, the Batmobile, tights … and of course a Star of David paddle that…

I’ve been meaning to blog about the CW’s new summer series “Hidden Palms“–which, yes, is totally trashy, almost a cross between “Desperate Housewives” and “One Tree Hill”–but I got addicted to it from the word go. The thing is, it’s season finale is tomorrow! This caught me off guard. I even went to the website…

While I have been enjoying the respite that the final episodes of now cancelled “Studio 60” have given me this month amidst the summer wasteland of TV reruns and reality junk, I have to say that Thursday’s season finale–which ironically lead the series at long last to win the night in the ratings–was a reminder…

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