With only three episodes left, NBC’s small town drama “Friday Night Lights” still has yet to be picked up for another season. Despite numerous critical accolades, some television viewers are still reluctant to give the series a chance. But after another tour-de-force effort last week, I am throwing one more “hail mary” out into cyberspace…

Sanjaya Malakar, the 17-year-old American Idol finalist, has had a rough couple of weeks. His singing has been eviscerated by the judges, and he’s being criticized for remaining on the show when other, more talented singers have gotten the boot (as if it’s his fault how people choose to vote). The guy whom bloggers have…

If some of you “American Idol” fans out there still think that finalist Chris Sligh is playing coy about whether he is Christian enough, people from his past have spoken up with their thoughts on the pressing matter. In a recent Associated Content article, a spokesperson for ultra-conservative Bob Jones University–the school Sligh once attended–has…

By now everyone should have been able to get to their recordings of “Battlestar Galactica,” and we can safely discuss the riveting season finale. If you still haven’t gotten to this Tivo’d episode … stop reading and go watch it now! All season finales are cliffhangers by nature, giving you a tantalizing glimpse into next…

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