Politicians? Diplomats? World leaders? Does anyone know what to do with the Middle East conflict? It seems to be the consensus that children in the region learn from their parents and the society that surrounds them–and those messages are hard to combat. Unless you’re made of felt. After more than a decade of having been…

I read in USA Today that ratings for several top-rated shows are down, and it listed several reasons why, including Daylight Savings Time, DVRs, and long hiatuses. I think there’s one huge reason they missed: too many people are switching to news shows which spend lots of time retelling old stories and generating dialogue that…

Did Simon Cowell contribute to the massacre at Virginia Tech?,” asked yesterday’s Scoop column on MSNBC.com. It seems that Barbara Coloroso, author of “The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander,” thinks so. “I think we are experiencing something amiss culturally where the TV shows, if you turn them on, [show] people are laughing at one…

OK, I am a shamelessly huge “Smallville” fan and after a tough season five, I feel like season six has bounced back and then some. This, of course, also makes me a huge Superman fan in general. So I was very intrigued to come across the following fun headline on the MSN homepage yesterday: “Scientists…

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