Watching TV these days is sort of like a travelogue in prime time as the slick and trendy shots of Boston, Miami, Las Vegas, and New York are beamed into the homes of over-cubicled and under-vacationed Americans each night. These are the shows that we actually want to be in for those few seconds after…

How much do we love Battlestar Galactica? Not only does this show deliver some of the most erotically charged, unconventional love scenes on television, but it also satiates our less carnal appetites while delivering some of the most metaphysical and thought-provoking programming in recent years. From the very beginning the show has incorporated elements of…

Poor Hurley. Ever since this loveable “Lost” survivor won the lottery, he has suffered continuously: First, his grandpa Tito died. Second, the first house Hurley bought his mother burned down. Third, his best friend ran off with his girlfriend. Fourth, while visiting his accountant he sees a man commit suicide by jumping off the building.…

Between “24” and “Heroes” on Monday and “Gilmore Girls” last night, television viewers are getting a heavy dose of religion. With the recent re-appearance of the shamed President Charles Logan from Season 5–Jack needs his help tracking down a Russian terrorist–suddenly talk has turned to prayer, redemption, and forgiveness. When Jack questions Logan’s motivation to…

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