It was a night for unity and positivity at the Grammys–except for one glaring omission! “The Police” got back together. African-American-Old-Guy Stevie Wonder won with Older-White-Guy Tony Bennett. Justin Timberlake’s “What Goes Around” featured a white guy singing with a largely African-American back-up band while mixing pop and soul with rap and R&B while orchestra…

Last night’s “Veronica Mars,” somewhat oddly titled “There’s Got To Be A Morning After Pill,” portrayed a family of evangelical Christians in a surprisingly sympathetic light. (I say surprising only because evangelicals are not usually portrayed this way on TV, especially given the topic of last night’s episode.) Classmate Bonnie hired Veronica’s P.I. services to…

I just have to start with a little “Hip, hip, hooray!” “Lost” is back on tonight, after a way-too-long hiatus. I will also admit that before this morning I wasn’t that excited, and I’d even almost forgotten it was re-premiering after so long off the air. But when I woke up today I felt a…

I’ll admit it, I was initially resistant to the charms of “Lost.” A plane gets ripped in half mid-air and crashes? Undiagnosed vertigo and living in New York City post-9/11 are enough to make that one of my top-10 fears–no need to actually see a dramatic rendering of it on TV. And yet, I found…

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