Despite being a heavily scientific show, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation can surprise viewers once in a while by delving into issues of faith, redemption, and forgiveness. Last night’s special airing of CSI (otherwise known as a re-run) focused on the ongoing investigation of an officer killed by friendly fire during a shoot-out between police and…

I love to hate “The Apprentice.” While the first season of the show was actually kind of good and taught legitimate lessons about business, the show has devolved into something beyond caricature. This season takes place in Los Angeles, because what better thing to do with a dying show than uproot the whole cast? This…

Why, why, oh WHY can’t “Smallville’s” boy-Superman Clark Kent finally get it together with the love of his life, Lana Lang? Is it because the small-screen Clark must live up to the DC Comics and big-screen Clark, whose long-time love is Lois Lane? Shouldn’t small-screen boy-Clark get to shake things up a bit? Apparently not.…

Please note that the following review concerns only the centerpiece documentary “Addiction,” which is part HBO’s multi-faceted, multi-day “The Addiction Project.” Let it be said that “The Addiction Project,” HBO’s multi-platform effort to educate the general public about the disease of addiction (it kicks off tonight at 9 p.m. ET), is an important and valiant…

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