One of the few times a year I plant myself on my couch and only leave for bathroom breaks is during the first few episodes of “American Idol.” Am I interested in this year’s crop of talented singers, hoping to get a glimpse of the next big star? No way! I’m in it strictly to…

Are the “American Idol” judges mean–and getting meaner by the season–or should contestants’ family and friends be more honest in advising them to stay off national TV? Our bloggers Ellen Leventry and Dena Ross debate this very topic, but what do you think? Watch these videos and use the comments box to let us know.

How do you bring a little fun back into fundamentalism? By making a sitcom, as Zarqa Nawaz is fond of saying. Nawaz is the creator of the new Canadian TV series “Little Mosque on the Prairie.” The show debuted Jan. 9 on CBC TV–to unexpectedly strong ratings–and airs Mondays and Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and…

The season premiere of “American Idol’s” sixth season was the show’s most-watched opener ever, with nearly 15 percent of the country watching at one point in the evening. So, is it any coincidence then that the Minnesota auditions featured on the show were some of the most egregious, deafening tryouts of the contest’s history, being…

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