Last night’s Golden Globes ceremony included the usual reams of thank you’s to casts and crews and lawyers and spouses and moms and kids and agents and Helen Mirren. The most moving speech by far was from the sincerely enthused America Ferrera of Ugly Betty, who thanked the girls who tell her she makes them…

I looked forward to Sunday night’s long awaited “24” premiere on Fox with the same eagerness as the show’s most dedicated fans. But I couldn’t help rolling my eyes at the onset of what promises to be yet another season of Jack (Kiefer Sutherland) playing the role of “sacrificial lamb.” As usual, the show dropped…

The sexual-abuse scandal that once looked to bring the Catholic church’s hierarchy in Boston crashing down has died away. The former Boston archbishop, Cardinal Bernard Law, is comfortably esconced in a favorable position in Rome, and few of the radical propositions to end abuse–popularly elected bishops or married priests–have come to pass, or are on…

On January 25th, HBO will air the documentary “Friends of God: A Road Trip With Alexandra Pelosi,” which follows key people among the Christian evangelical right in America. Yes, Alexandra Pelosi, the filmmaker in question, is one of those Pelosis–her mother is none other than Nancy–and yes, one of those kep people she happened to…

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