The trademark Mohawk is looking a little sparse, and age has begun to scrunch further his bulldog features, but Mr. T, who laid claim to the tagline “I pity the fool” a quarter-century ago, is back in a reality series, “I Pity the Fool,” that debuts tomorrow night on TV Land. He’s back, but not…

If you’re an evangelical Christian wondering about how you’re being perceived in popular culture these days, you might be planning to see “Jesus Camp.” Change your plans. Watch “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip” next Monday night instead. “Jesus Camp,” with its stark representation of Christian fundamentalists at the margins of mainstream evangelicalism, offers an…

The third season “Lost” premiere opened with the most shocking five minutes since Desmond’s self-revelation about causing the plane crash. For the first time, viewers see the mid-air crash of Oceanic Flight 815 from the perspective of the Others. As we see the spectacular explosion of the plane, we also see how “the Other” half…

“Do you think God loves football?” Well, if you live in fictional Dillon, Texas, where almost everyone worships God and football–not always in that order–then the answer is, obviously, yes. NBC celebrates the unique sports culture of small-town America, where sports and faith are often seen hand-in-hand every Friday night, in the new football drama…

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