Think you don’t have time to particpate in this Holy Week? Think again. On this Good Friday there is a priest who will tweet the Stations of the Cross and you can follow him as he does. Father Paddy Byrne is a firm believer in using social media to reach out to the community and…

I stumbled upon a great video that told the story of the Nativity using social media and now I have discovered an equally entertaining video for Passover. It tells the complete story of the deliverance of the Jews from Pharoah and is destined to be a viral classic. Enjoy!

Tech companies are famous for their online pranks. It’s gotten to the point where they just can’t fool anyone but that doesn’t keep you from laughing. Here are a few of our favorite from this year. ThinkGeek released their incredible Playmobil Apple Store video with the bonus “Line Pack” for additional realism. They describe it…

Published in 1611 (which makes this year its 400th anniversary), the Authorized King James Version of the Bible became “the most influential version of the most influential book in the world, in what is now its most influential language.” Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, it is practically inarguable that no other…

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