48 years ago, there was a national Presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. Those who heard it on the radio believed that Nixon won. Those who saw it on TV hailed Kennedy as the winner. Kennedy then became the last sitting U.S. Senator to win an election until this year. Now here…

Halloween gives the young (and the young at heart!) a chance to dress up, play a role, wear a mask, and be something or someone they’re not. For a day. That’s the key. On this Halloween, I’ve assembled a list of top five media masquerades. These “masquerades” are the people and issues that (for the…

WWJB? That’s “What Would Jesus Brew?” possibly coming soon to a bracelet or T-shirt near you! According to CNN, a Southern California entrepreneur is using the Jesus angle to sell beer. I’m a pretty casual guy about such things, and I love reminding people that Jesus not only went to the party but he turned…

Not since “the Rachel” has a hairstyle been in such demand. Jewish bloggers have been writing about this for weeks. And politics always seems to spawn merchandising. Now the NY Post reports that in the past several weeks, a wig-shop in Brooklyn’s Borough Park (home to many ultra-Orthodox Jews) has sold about 50 “Sarah P.”…

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