It’s summer, which means weather for shorts, T-shirts, and flip-flops. If you want to inject a little spiritual humor into your summer wardrobe, check out this gallery of fun faith-inspired T-shirts.

Recently, I had the great good fortune to be invited to participate in a conference at Esalen–that famous, new age spiritual retreat (you know, the Beats hung out there, Huxley tripped there…) in Big Sur, California, perched on the rocks overlooking the gorgeous Pacific Ocean. I couldn’t believe my luck: five days of salon-style conversation…

Everyone who either has a tween or knows one also knows that Disney churns out (more or less) family-friendly pop stars (see Hannah Montana) and one-offs like “High School Musical” (and its sequel) to unbelievable success–feeding the hopes, dreams, and first crushes of many a kid in America. Disney’s newest venture, according to a New…

The streets of Jerusalem have been known for centuries: from the stones that speak ancient rhymes to people from different religions as well as for its prophets and would-be prophets, its farmers-turned-kings, and shepherds-turned-leaders. And on Friday afternoon (on which most people don’t work–it’s like an American Sunday), most people are running around town trying…

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