Idol Chatter

In the last few days, I have found more articles debating what in the world has happened to director M. Night Shymalan’s career than I have found positive reviews about his latest movie, “Lady in the Water.” Not exactly good news if you are Shyamalan. And while I tried to keep an open mind, “Lady…

You may not have heard of him yet, but for the past year or so, filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici has hosted a television show in Canada–where he is huge–as “The Naked Archeologist,” in which he is neither naked (thankfully) nor an archeologist (interestingly). The show’s wanton title comes from its premise–to “strip down” Biblical archeology for…

The Christian power-house publisher Zondervan, together with Media Group, has plans to release a star-studded audio-version of the New Testament with Samuel L. Jackson playing the voice of God, and Forest Whitaker as Moses–to name just a few Hollywood luminaries showing up on their voice-roster. Also included are: Angela Bassett, Blair Underwood, and Oscar-winning actors…

One of this summer’s great pleasures has been watching the progress of Underoath, the Christian “screamo” band whose third album, “Define the Great Line,” debuted at #2 on Billboard’s 200 chart. That feat earned them a spot on the main stage of the Van’s Warped tour, the 12-year-old traveling festival dedicated to the rock genre…

The Mouse House is promising to become more family friendly than ever with plans to release 10 live-action and animated films per year under the Disney name–none of which will be rated “R.” According to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney Studios has made a major staff change, with Oren Aviv–who had previously been on the marketing…

New York City’s public radio station, WNYC, has a wonderful segment today on a hair salon in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, that doubles as a Catholic shrine, crammed with ornate renderings of the Virgin Mary, Jesus, and the archangels, including a statue of the Infant of Prague that has 12 outfits that the owner changes each…

Why was Jennifer Aniston’s production partner, Kristin Hahn, visiting Ken Wilber, the founder of the Integral Institute, author, and Beliefnet columnist well known among people interested in integral spirituality and body-mind-spirit connection? Talking movies, according to Ken’s blog. Specifically, talking about bringing Ken’s “Grace and Grit” to the big screen, with Aniston in the lead…

I am not an avid watcher of “South Park” though I do catch an episode now and then if it airs leading up to The Daily Show. But I admit I was curious about the now-infamous Scientology-Tom Cruise episode, “Trapped in the Closet,” which aired in November 2005 and caused all sorts of hype in…

Is your idea of a good time sitting around with your friends, debating your all-time favorite Christian Contemporary songs? Me neither. However, when I came across the new book, “100 Greatest Songs In Christian Music: The Stories Behind the Music That Changed Our Lives Forever,” by CCM Magazine, I must admit, I was intrigued. The…

Think performing a Shakespearean play is about nothing more than a bunch of guys running around in tights reciting some frou-frou poetry you can’t even understand? The convicts at the Luther Luckett Correctional Complex, a medium security prison in Kentucky, would disagree with you. In one of the most inspiring but overlooked documentaries from last…

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