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The Rabbi Nanny?
donna freitas
Earlier this week, Oprah held a Dr. Phil-like parental advice-giving session, yet not with Dr. Phil himself–her show about on-camera counseling for families in crisis was hosted by none other than the ubiquitous Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, author of many popular books, including his most recent, “10 Conversations You Need to Have with Your Children.” Rabbi…
Can Christianity Save Britney’s Marriage?
ellen leventry
This week’s US Weekly features a headline that one might expect to find on an issue of the magazine Guideposts rather than on one of the nation’s top gossip magazines: “Kevin’s Last Chance: A Christian life coach helps Britney forgive as she struggles to save her family.” It seems that the once-again-pregnant popster has completely…
“Click”-ing on Sandler Can Be Spiritual
doug howe
Of the two time-travel related movies available this July 4th weekend–and sans the existence of a wonderful July 4-ish movie like “National Treasure” or “Independence Day”–here’s why I highly recommend “Click” over its play-with-temporal-reality competition, “The Lake House.” First, I’m a guy: Though “Click” is fairly close to chick-flicky, it’s not quite there. Next, “The…
A Different Kind of Baseball Classic
holly rossi
Tuesday night, I had the pleasure of watching the Boston Red Sox beat the New York Mets 9-4 at Fenway Park. But as much as Boston baseball can feel like a religion, I’d never personally witnessed any warm-fuzzies at the ballpark…until last night. Before the game, the 1986 Red Sox were honored on the 20th…
Nicole & Keith: Legally Wed?
charlotte allen
So how was Nicole Kidman able to wed Keith Urban in a Catholic church? Kidman, baptized and raised Catholic, is one of the most famous divorcees in filmdom these days, her 1990 marriage to fellow actor and former Catholic Tom Cruise having collapsed in 2001. In the Catholic Church, marriage is for life, no matter…
Superman Is Back!
Superman is back, and not a moment too soon. The world is falling apart, and now even Lex Luthor is being let out of jail. Does the world need a savior? That’s a question pondered by the characters of the exciting new “Superman Returns.” But can there be any doubt that it does? The first…
Why Kathy Griffin Is On My LIst
kris rasmussen
“I’m sick to death of Jesus. I feel that Jesus and Paris Hilton are both overexposed.” Loud and obnoxious statements like that should offend my Midwestern evangelical sensibilities just enough to make me want to rant about Kathy Griffin, the pseudo-celebrity and stand-up comedienne who these days expresses her snarky “militant atheist” views on her…
Aaron Spelling: Crowd Pleaser, Crowd Shaper
doug howe
With the amount of TV that most of us watch, it’s inevitable–much as we try to resist or deny it–that the small screen shapes our worldview and our national conversation. To that end, a significant cultural leader passed away this weekend. Aaron Spelling was 83. The producer of such megahit television shows as “Charlie’s Angels,”…
Monks and World Cup Soccer Don’t Mix!
dilshad d. ali
Were your weekend’s activities planned around exciting (and some ho-hum) World Cup soccer elimination matches? Mine were, and happily, here in the U.S. I had the benefit of daytime broadcasts from Germany. And though my biggest problem was fighting for television rights with my almost three-year-old daughter, I realize there are much worse problems that…
Spiritual Summer Reads
kris rasmussen
One of the many reasons summer is my favorite time of year is the fact that while enjoying the view of Lake Michigan, I can also catch up on my reading. Yes, with re-runs on TV and little at the box office to grab my interest lately, it’s time to turn the pages of some…
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