Idol Chatter

Actress Michelle Williams, who first shot to fame as beleaguered ex-bad-girl Jen Lindley on “Dawson’s Creek” and has since been Oscar-nominated for her turn as the beleaguered, heartbroken wife of gay cowboy Ennis Del Mar in “Brokeback Mountain,” won’t be getting her picture up in her High School’s hall of fame anytime soon “We don’t…

Watching the Oscars has always been one of my greatest guilty pleasures. I love everything about the evening, from chuckling with Joan and Melissa as they dish the dirt live on the red carpet to watching weepy celebrities–dressed in clothes that cost more than many of us make in a year–give ridiculously long acceptance speeches.…

One benefit of Oscar season–besides finding out which gown designer is totally hot–is the rash of articles about worthy movies that didn’t get nominated. The films that make critics’ woulda-shoulda lists are jewels that are too small, too weird, or too spiritually challenging for a statue. The San Francisco Chronicle’s version this year comes in…

One definition of mysticism is “a belief in the existence of realities beyond perceptual or intellectual apprehension.” That’s a pretty heady term to apply to a TV show–but “Lost” isn’t an ordinary show. The series begins with a plane crashing en route from Sydney to Los Angeles, stranding 42 surviving passengers on a tropical island.…

After reading about “The Colbert Report” and its penchant for luring distinguished public figures into making complete fools of themselves, I tuned in last night, and who was the guest? None other than a Beliefnet favorite, Tony Campolo, a nationally known Christian author and speaker. What a delight to watch a seasoned pro (Colbert) try…

“Pancakes make people happy,” goes the slogan of the Royal Canadian Pancake House. But those delectable breakfast treats do much more than that on Shrove Tuesday–they provide the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Traditionally, Christian households were supposed to use up the lard and dairy in their homes in preparation for the…

Two years ago this Ash Wednesday, Mel Gibson released his much-hyped “The Passion of the Christ” to adoring, and some not-so-adoring, audiences everywhere. This Ash Wednesday brings a new “Passion” of sorts–“The McPassion.” This time, it’s a four minute long movie short. Co-produced by Benjamin Hershleder and Rik Swartzwelder, “The McPassion” is a comedy spoof…

At this point in Season Five of “24,” The president of the United States has been brought to a place of asking his chief of staff to pray with him. The chief of staff balks, saying “This is a personal matter.” “Please, just… please,” says the president, as they then both take a knee. But…

As the Olympics drew to a close last night, I found that the most disappointing–and annoying–aspect of NBC’s Olympic coverage was the huge amount of airtime given to U.S. skier and 2002 silver medalist Bode Miller. With a daredevil, nonconformist image only further enhanced by a recent “60 Minutes” interview, in which he admitted to,…

Karma visited the ER last night on “Grey’s Anatomy.” Or at least television’s version of karma – the idea that what comes around, goes around. Outside of Hollywood Hinduism*, karma can best be defined as action or duty. But as usual, Hollywood’s got its own definition of this ancient concept. Sweet, beleaguered surgical resident George…

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