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Idol Chatter
A Display of Mastery–of Biblical Proportions
doug howe
The Masters golf tournament may not command the television ratings of the Super Bowl and March Madness, but it still qualifies as one of the cultural sports holidays that many Americans gather around and observe religiously. During Sunday’s final round, I saw all nine fruits of the spirit (from Galatians 5:22-23). Love. Every player who…
A Fish Out of Water
dena ross
Normally, when I go to a rock concert, most of the people in the audience have their hands in the air, making the “sign of the devil” with their pinky and pointer fingers extended, rocking out to the music. They’re not holding their hands out in prayer. Usually when I see women in the audience…
How Not To Promote “The Ten Commandments”
kris rasmussen
I am sure some ABC exec thought it was a good idea to have Naveen Andrews, one of the stars of ABC’s hit show “Lost,” do the talk-show circuit to promote tonight’s premiere of the ABC miniseries “The Ten Commandments,” in which Andrews plays Menerith, brother to Moses. But Andrews’s comments on “Good Morning America”…
“The Colbert Report” Tries to Save Easter
kris rasmussen
Steven Colbert has spent as much time skewering Easter kitsch as he has politics lately on his talk show “The Colbert Report”–and I love him for it. Hypocritical as it may seem, Santa Clauses and elves don’t seem to bother my Midwest evangelical sensibilities much at Christmastime, while duckies, bunnies, and chocolate-covered eggs really get…
For God, for Scripture, and for Sushi
Aviad Cohen–you may know him as 50 Shekel, though then again, you probably don’t know of him at all–has found a new way to get the word out about his latest passions. He’s started a blog called Scripture & Sushi, in which he rhapsodizes about–you guessed it–the Bible and raw fish. Cohen had a brief…
Heeeeeeeeeeeeere’s Jay and Paul!
doug howe
All of the wires, websites, and blogs that are talking about Paul Newman’s appearance on last night’s “Tonight Show” are missing what I thought was the most powerful part of the evening. Paul Newman ate dog food, discussed his charitable work around the world, and engaged in the Second Annual Race With Jay in a…
Phew! ‘Da Vinci Code’ Movie Can Proceed as Planned
At least one “Da Vinci Code” mystery has been solved… as far as the High Court in London is concerned. According to Reuters, the British court decided that “while Brown may have copied bits of the 1982 book ‘The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail,’ that [it] did not amount to a breach of copyright.”…
Toto, Meet TM. TM, Meet Toto
The Beatles are all now either dead, knighted or Ringo, but the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the group’s onetime spiritual guru and the inventor of Transcendental Meditation, is still making news. The Maharishi’s followers recently broke ground on a $14 million World Peace Capital, a campus of a dozen buildings now rising on 480 acres in…
“The Gospel of Judas”
charlotte allen
The long-lost “Gospel of Judas” published by the National Geographic Society today has one thing going for it: it’s one of the shortest gospels on record. It’s a mere 25 (very small) pages long, in contrast to the canonical Gospel of Mark, which occupies 27 densely packed, double-column pages in the New Revised Standard Version…
The Softer Side of Jerry Jenkins
When you hear the name Jerry Jenkins, the first thing you think of probably is not “emotional love story.” But the king (or co-king, with Tim LaHaye) of Christian apocalyptic storytelling is much more than just “The Left Behind” series. In fact, he’s authored a whopping 160 books, covering any number of topics, fictional and…
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