Idol Chatter

Peter Steinfels, in this week’s New York Times “Beliefs” column, writes of the latest Hollywood-induced skirmish in the culture wars: “Narnia, it seems, is in danger of becoming a red state.” That’s because evangelicals nationwide are seeing the film as an amazing opportunity for evangelism, not to mention the best film in a while for…

Ah, Yuletide. Time to break out the Precious Moments Nativity set…ack! It is broken? Who could destroy such a thing of beauty? Never fear. There are plenty of ultratacky manger scenes out there, just waiting for you to buy them–or create them out of s’mores ingredients. Visit the Cavalcade of Bad Nativities to see a…

Welcome to the newly formatted Idol Chatter! If you’re looking to read a whole lot more about the spirituality of your favorite shows and celebrities, have no fear; you can access the Idol Chatter archives by clicking here.

I’ve heard of conversion by sword, but conversion by chainsaw? As another devoted fan of “Invasion,” I was stunned by last night’s episode, in which Deputy Lewis Sirk is convinced by Sheriff Tom Underlay–who is looking more and more like the head alien–to cut off his miraculously regenerated left arm by telling him that “people…

Religious references are increasingly a mark of authenticity in rap. But Chamillionaire, whose new album, “The Sound of Revenge,” is just out, raises the bar with “Void in My Life,” a meditation on growing up with one Muslim parent and one Christian. Which faith won out? The rapper–his real name is Hakeem Seriki, but he’s…

To say the Christian world is excited about the ‘Narnia’ movie is an understatement. Churches are planning mass viewings of the movie, groups have created Narnia-pegged ‘outreach tools,’ and many Christians see the film as the greatest opportunity for evangelism since “The Passion of the Christ.” But strike one name from the list of prominent…

Last night on “Lost,” fate and (what looked like) the Bible found their way through the doors of the mysterious underground hatch. In this season’s third episode, after the survivors had found their way into the hatch, they were shown a mysterious (and spliced) film created by The Dharma Initiative, an equally mysterious science program…

Slate posts a belated but refreshing look at the “Left Behind” series here.

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