Two rival high school football players bonded in a moment only God could have facilitated – through prayer on the field.

Texas high school football players Gage Smith and Ty Jordan were pictured kneeling down together in prayer following the game between Sherman and Mesquite High – their respective schools.

“It was meant for just me and him to have a moment and to pray over his family and for his mom,” Smith told TODAY. “I just wanted to let him know there are other people thinking about him and his family, and let him know he has somebody to turn to.”

The wife of Smith’s head coach took a picture of the faith-filled moment and passed it on to Jordan’s aunt Takka. She later posted the photo that went viral.

ABC News 8 reported that the photo received more than 140,000 shares before Takka removed it from public view.

Many people praised Smith for his compassionate act including his coach, who also called him a true leader.

Smith reportedly asked Jordan if he could pray with him after learning that his mother had stage 4 lung cancer.

Smith was blown away that the photo had gotten so much attention.

“To see that it blew up I was very surprised by it, and I wasn’t expecting it to be like that you know, I was just doing it for him and doing it for his mom and his family,” Smith told ABC News 8.

Jordan’s mother, who is currently battling cancer, told TODAY that seeing the photo of that special moment made her “speechless.”

“It made me cry,” She continued, “[Smith] didn’t have to do that. The fact that he took the time to pray with Ty for me, that took my breath away.”

Smith just wanted to show his opponent respect.

“I would’ve done that whether we would’ve won or lost,” Smith said. “During the game we’re enemies and we’re gonna play and try to win the game, but you still have that respect for the other opponent. I wanted to do that for him.”

Prayer really has no limits.

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