babyhearingaidsFour-month-old Georgina Addison was born deaf. She was diagnosed as severely deaf in September and began wearing a hearing aid in each ear to amplify sound.

Georgina’s dad, Paul Addison posted a video capturing the sweet conversation between mother and daughter when her new hearing aids are turned on.

The video was posted to Twitter with the message, “When our daughter’s new hearing aids are turned on in the morning. #HappyBaby.”

Mother: Ok, so just turned your hearing on. Can you say hello to everybody?

Georgina: Hi!

Mother: That’s a very loud hello!

The video has since gone viral. It has been liked over 50,000 times and viewed over 700,000 times!

Many parents commented on the post that they’ve had similar experiences with their own children.

Paul and his wife learned about his daughter’s hearing difficulties when she failed her newborn hearing test in Harrogate, England he told CNN.

Following this, they were referred to an audiologist and was diagnosed with severe deafness. This is when the doctor’s suggested hearing aids.

They took the doctor’s advice and five weeks ago, Georgina was outfitted with hearing aids from the National Health Service. She was delighted as soon as she could hear her parents’ voice.

“It was a relief, we saw quite quickly that they were working well,” he said. “A real sense that things could get better.”

Paul was blown away by the video response on social media. He is moved by all the other families who have had similar experiences.

It is “absolutely delightful” her hearing aids are turned on now in the morning, Paul told Sky News.

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