A mom and daughter are celebrating Black History Month in a unique way – by playing a special game of dress-up.

Each day in February, Taylor Trotter takes photos of her 5-year-old daughter Paisley dressed as different inspiring black figures in history.

They place the photos side by side, then upload them to Facebook. The caption they share with each post tells the story of an inspiring Black trailblazer.

“I just really wanted to make sure that she loves both sides of herself and loves who she is,” Trotter told Wood TV 8.

This is not the first year they’ve done. The mother, daughter duo, has been posting side-by-side photos every Black History Month for three years.

Paisley has dressed up as everyone from Sojourner Truth, Stokely Carmichael, Viola Davis, and Kamala Harris, among others.

The photos are placed in a book for Paisley to view and learn from throughout the year.

These viral posts are reaching more people than they could have imagined. Now, the Trotters are using their platform to pay special tribute to Black lives lost to police brutality. These include the stories of people like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, whose deaths reflect a long history of racial violence at the hands of police.

“If she’s old enough to experience racism, which unfortunately we have a couple times, kids are old enough to learn about it,” Trotter said. “I just want to educate her now. You don’t know everyone’s intentions, and the world may perceive you differently just because of the color of your skin.”

Trotter wants to be able to give her daughters the tools to navigate hate and inspiration to push forward like the people who came before her.

She also understands that Paisley’s experiences as a biracial child will be different from her own. Yet, she can push through the barriers ahead of her, even when people try to stop her.

“Just kicking down the glass ceiling. When you get there, it doesn’t mean that you need to be stopped. You go through those barriers, and you can do whatever you want as long as you have that mindset in life,” Trotter said.

On the last day of February, Trotter will have Paisley dress up as herself. This is to remind her that she too, is Black history.

One day, Paisley hoes that she can make history and become the president of the United States.

This project reminds her that this dream is possible.

You can find their daily Black History Month posts on their Facebook page.

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