A Catholic priest in Ohio is thanking God after the car he was driving just missed being hit by an airborne vehicle. The oncoming SUV would have T-boned his car if it hadn’t sailed overtop entirely of him, and there’s a video to prove it.
Father John Bok, 87, told the Catholic News Agency (CNA) that he was on his way to Mass on October 2. He was close to arriving at St. Andrew Parish in Milford around 8:40 am when a 17-year-old driving another vehicle on the opposite road had a seizure behind the wheel. The teenager passed out, and his black SUV went off the road. It appeared the SUV would crash directly into Bok’s driver-side door.
But instead of hitting the car, the vehicle struck a pole and was launched into the air, flying over Bok’s white 2014 Hyundai Sonata. The Franciscan priest told the CNA, “it’s a miracle” he survived the near-death experience. The We Are Franciscans YouTube shared a video of the accident.
“I did not know that that car went over top of me,” Bok, a former physics teacher, told the CNA. “I was looking ahead, and it was to my left and above.” In a post on The Franciscan Friars website, Bok further explained the incident: “I was born with a lazy left eye and have very limited vision out of it. I thought maybe it was a large bird or something and continued on my way to have the Mass.”
The priest explained that later the same day, the son of a nearby funeral homeowner, who’s a police officer, showed him the video of the accident that was captured by a security camera at the scene. Bok, a former physics teacher, wrote the teenager was taken to the hospital and was not hurt.
“According to Google, it (the pole) is 4.83 feet tall. Why was the pole standing in that exact spot attached to nothing? By what laws of physics did it lift the boy’s car almost 5 feet in the air and send it over my car? So many questions. I am certainly thankful to God. I will continue to wonder how much God and how much the laws of science played in the experience,” he wrote.
“As always, God is good,” Bok added. And here’s the kicker. The incident occurred on October 2, the date for the Catholic “Feast of the Guardian Angels.” A guardian angel was undoubtedly watching over Father John Bok on October 2. This incident could’ve ended a million different ways, but it ended with neither Bok nor the teen driver getting hurt.
Some people believe everything happens for a reason, while others stick to logic and hard facts. In this incident, the pole that lifted the black SUV above Father Bok’s car was in a perfect position, and we can attribute its heroism to science. Perhaps God put that pole there because He knew the accident would happen and thought of it as a way to save Father Bok and the teen driver. Whatever the case, it’s a miracle that no one was injured.