lauren daigle

Sadly, the world is a broken place filled with hurting, lost, and struggling people. Ever since sin entered the world in the Garden of Eden, it’s done nothing but cause destruction and death. Sin and its repercussions have torn apart families and ruined lives. Everyone is a sinner, and the Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. However, even while we’re still in our sin, God still loves us. He still sent His one and only Son to earth to die on the cross, taking our place and all our sins and shame on Himself.

That’s how much God loves and still loves sinners and those who have willfully turned away from Him. While God cannot and will not bless and approve sin, He still loves sinners. He constantly reaches out and chases after them. It was that message of God’s enduring love that Lauren Daigle shared with a group of female inmates. In a clip posted on social media, Daigle visited and played for a group of inmates. She also states in the short clip that, surprisingly, one of her favorite places to visit is prison. The video shows Daigle putting on a concert for the women. The beautifully written lyrics about God’s unfailing love, mercy and grace moved some women to tears.


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However, the most powerful moment of the clip happens when Daigle, holding a Bible, tells the women that God still loves them. Yes, God wants all to turn from their sinful ways, but God’s love never ends or fails. Daigle said, “God yearns for you. He yearns for all of us. How amazing is that? ‘God, I see what I’ve done wrong. I definitely turned away from you. I didn’t want anything to do with you. And He says, ‘Don’t worry, that didn’t stop me from loving you.”

Daigle ended her message by telling the inmates that they can have hope and no longer live in sin because of God’s grace and enduring love. “There is hope for your future,” she said. “There is.”

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