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In a remarkable act of bravery, a Good Samaritan in Tennessee saved a missing baby over the weekend, earning widespread praise for his courageous actions. The hero, Steven James, recounted the harrowing experience in an interview with WTVF-TV, detailing how he confronted a man who had taken 1-year-old Maybrie Like, ultimately securing the child’s safety.

The dramatic events unfolded on Friday night when the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation issued an alert about a missing child. Maybrie, the infant in question, had been taken by Gerald Blair, the boyfriend of the child’s mother. Blair was reportedly fleeing after an alleged hit-and-run incident and had taken refuge in the woods with the baby. Authorities, desperate to locate the child, requested to search James’ property, which is when the story took a tense and unexpected turn.

James learned through a neighbor’s surveillance camera that a creek near his home spotted Blair and Maybrie. Realizing the urgency of the situation, James quickly decided to take action. Driven by his protective instincts and the desire to rescue the helpless child, he sets out to confront Blair.

“It was a kid,” James explained to WTVF-TV, emphasizing the urgency he felt. “I’d do anything for a kid.”

James, armed with a firearm, approached Blair with the intention of ending the standoff peacefully but firmly. His goal was simple: to ensure the child’s safety without further escalation. The tense encounter left little room for negotiation, but James remained composed and focused on his mission.

“I did hold him at gunpoint, just to kind of be threatening and take control of the situation,” James recounted. “I did tell him, ‘Give me the baby. I don’t care what you do. Just give me the baby.'” His words were clear and unwavering, reflecting his determination to protect the child at all costs.

In a moment of tension and uncertainty, James made it clear to Blair that his priority was the baby’s safety. “Actually, I think I was saying, ‘Put the baby down, and you walk back, and I’ll get the baby,'” James recalled, describing how he carefully negotiated with Blair.

Ultimately, James’ resolve paid off, and he successfully retrieved Maybrie from Blair. The child was unharmed, thanks to James’ quick thinking and decisive action. His wife joined him in caring for the child until law enforcement arrived at the scene.

While the full details of the situation remain unclear, James reflected on the encounter with a sense of relief and humility. He noted that despite Blair’s evident care for the child, it was obvious that Maybrie was in a precarious situation. James expressed gratitude that the situation was resolved without further harm.


“I’m glad I got to do that,” James told WTVF-TV, his voice filled with emotion. “Not because I wanted to be the one to do it; I’m just glad it turned out that way.”


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