@polleksandra / Instagram.com

In an inspiring encounter on the streets in 2023, an Instagram user known as @polleksandra interviewed a remarkable 96-year-old gentleman named Samuel. His words of wisdom have since resonated deeply with many, offering timeless advice on how to lead a fulfilling life.

When asked, “What life advice would you give people?” Samuel began with a lighthearted chuckle and a moment of reflection. His first piece of advice was to focus on the present. “Accept where you are at and move on. Try to be in the present,” he urged. This simple yet profound counsel emphasizes the importance of letting go of past regrets and not worrying excessively about the future, a perspective that can indeed lead to a more content and happy life.


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Samuel’s second piece of wisdom centered on gratitude. He highlighted how being thankful can have significant mental and physical health benefits. Research supports this, showing that gratitude can improve sleep, mood, and immunity while reducing depression, anxiety, and chronic pain.

With a kind and gentle demeanor, Samuel also emphasized the importance of compassion. He believed that if more people exercised compassion, the world would be a far better place. This aligns beautifully with Christian values of love and kindness towards others.

Accepting one’s circumstances was another key lesson from Samuel. “Accept what is. If you can change it, okay. But there are some things that you need to accept that you can’t change. And if you can’t change it, let it go,” he advised with gentle conviction. This wisdom teaches us to discern between what we can and cannot control, bringing peace to our lives by letting go of the latter.

Finally, Samuel encouraged authenticity. “Be who you are, and people will like you,” he said. This simple yet powerful advice reminds us that living authentically and true to ourselves is the best way to form genuine and meaningful connections with others.

Though Samuel has since passed away, his timeless advice continues to inspire and guide many. His reflections bring to mind the biblical wisdom found in Job 12:12: “Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?”

May Samuel’s heartfelt guidance encourage us to live more gratefully, compassionately, and authentically, reflecting the love and wisdom of Christ in our daily lives.

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