Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

If you’re wondering how God can provide a way in your life, you need to hear Steve Harvey’s incredible story. It’s a powerful reminder that, even in our darkest moments, God is working behind the scenes, ready to lead us to something greater.

Back in 1991, Steve Harvey was living in his car with just $35 to his name, wondering how he would ever fulfill his dream of making it in show business. His journey had been filled with setbacks, and after months of struggling, he was ready to give up. But just when he was about to lose all hope, God stepped in, opening doors and guiding Steve in ways he couldn’t have imagined.

Steve Harvey knew early on that he had a gift for making people laugh. But despite his talent, life had thrown him a series of challenges, leaving him homeless and unsure of how to pursue his dream. In a moment of deep despair, living out of his car, Steve poured out his heart in prayer, asking God why his dream wasn’t coming to fruition.

“I prayed, ‘Come on, God. I’ve been trying to make this dream come true, and you left me out here like this,'” Steve recalls. It was at this moment, as Steve questioned his future and his faith, that God spoke to him. He remembers hearing God’s voice clearly, telling him, “If you get up, I’m going to take you places you ain’t never been.”

Though still uncertain about how things would unfold, Steve Harvey took that message to heart. He knew he had to keep moving forward, even if he couldn’t see the full path ahead.

One day, as Steve was struggling to figure out his next steps, he decided to check the messages on his answering machine. That’s when everything changed. There was a message offering him the opportunity to perform on the famous Apollo Show in New York City—a dream gig that could potentially change the course of his career.

At first, Steve’s heart sank. With little money and no way to get from Florida to New York, it seemed like the door had opened, but there was no way for him to walk through it. Feeling crushed, he was ready to call back and decline the offer. But just before making the call, he noticed there was another message waiting for him.

He listened to the second message and couldn’t believe what he heard. A comedy club in Florida was offering him a $150 appearance. The amount was just enough to give him hope. Steve accepted the offer, performed that night, and was paid $150 on the spot. What’s more, the club asked him to return for another show, offering another $150. Suddenly, Steve had the funds to book a $99 flight to New York.

Steve Harvey took a leap of faith, trusting that God’s timing was perfect. With the money in hand, he boarded the plane to New York and performed at the Apollo Show. His performance was a huge success, and it became the launching pad for what would be an extraordinary career in entertainment.

Steve Harvey went on to become a household name, known for his roles as a comedian, TV host, and author. His big break on the Apollo Show was the beginning of a journey that saw him host shows like “Family Feud,” “The Steve Harvey Show,” and the “Miss Universe” pageant, among many others. But more than his professional success, Steve credits his faith in God for carrying him through the toughest times and guiding him to the life he leads today.

Reflecting on this pivotal moment in his life, Steve Harvey calls it his “comeback moment.” He explains that everyone faces a “turnback moment”—a point where they can either move forward in faith or give up. “There’s one guarantee: if you give up, it will never happen,” Steve says. “Faith is everything. God is always on time; He’s never too late.”


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